The German Society for International Cooperation is the main German Development Agency providing services in the field of international development cooperation and international cooperation. Its main goal is to provide effective solutions that offer people better prospects and sustainably improve their living conditions. GIZ's main customer is the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). Other commissioners include European Union institutions, the United Nations, the private sector and governments of other countries. In addition, in cooperation with the German Federal Employment Agency, GIZ manages the International Center for Migration and Development, an agency specialized in international cooperation activities related to global labor mobility. On behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), GIZ has been supporting Azerbaijan's transition to a more market-oriented economy and democracy since 1995. A country office has been operating in Baku since July 2007.   
         Projects implemented by GIZ in Azerbaijan:
Project title
Period of performance
Executive organization
Support to local and regional development in Ganja - Gazakh economic zone
Contribute to economic diversification and sustainable
regional development, in particular agriculture and tourism in West of Azerbaijan
"Management of Natural Resources and Conservation of Ecosystem Services for Sustainable Rural Development in the South Caucasus" (ECOserve) program
Primary goal of ECOserve program is to “create preconditions for sustainable and biodiversity
oriented natural resources in land utilization systems existing iN South Caucasus by paying specific attention to energy safety of rural population”