About us
Our directions of action
Rule of subsidizing production of agricultural products
Crop farming
Aqrar subsidiya şurası
Planting subsidy
Product subsidy
Seed subsidy
Frequently asked questions
Animal husbandry
Animal (calf)
Bee (2020-2022)
Cocoon subsidy
Frequently asked questions
Aqrokimyəvi analiz edən laboratoriyaların siyahısı
List of fertilizer pesticide suppliers
List of seed seedling suppliers
Credit and discount
Decree 413 and Rules
Regulation of Agrarian Credit and Development Agency
List of machinery to which privileges apply
Regulations of the competition commission
Financing the purchase of equipment
Required documents
List of authorized credit institutions
List of evaluation companies
Financing the purchase of breeding animals
Required documents
List of authorized credit institutions
List of evaluation companies
Preferential loans for agricultural projects Privileged loans
Low interest loans
Projects and international cooperation
Completed projects
Mərkəzi Asiya üzrə Subregional Ofis ölkələrində ərzaq israfı və tullantısının azaldılması
Improve pedigree content of big-horned breeding animals in Azerbaijan
Reducing food waste and waste in Subregional Office for Central Asia (SEC) countries
Agrarian Employment Enhancement Project – AMAL
Improving food security and livelihood opportunities in rural areas by increasing women's economic power
Investment Environment and Agrobusiness Competitiveness Project of Azerbaijan
Improve pedigree content of big-horned breeding animals in Azerbaijan
Comprehensive Rural Development Project
Rural financing framework: supporting credit operations of the Agrarian Credit and Development Agency (AKIA).
Agricultural Competitiveness Strengthening Project
Locust Disaster Risk Reduction in the Caucasus and Central Asia (CACA).
Acceleration of efficiency and sustainability in the field of hazelnut cultivation in Azerbaijan
Creation of a national system of disease-free potato seed production in Azerbaijan
Development of mutant cotton lines resistant to diseases, drought and salinity
Creation and implementation of the value chain for sustainable development of sheep farming and food production
Support for local and regional development in Ganja-Gazakh economic region
Strengthening information sharing and capacity building in agricultural research
Development of sustainable and inclusive local agriculture and food systems in the northwest of Azerbaijan
Strengthening agricultural advisory services
Conservation and sustainable use of globally important agro-biodiversity
Ongoing projects
Azərbaycanın kənd yerlərində kiçik və orta fermerlərin bazar rəqabət qabiliyyətinin artırılması məqsədilə kənd təsərrüfatı (istehsal və istehsal-istehlak) kooperativlərinin təşviqi layihəsi
Kənd yerlərində həyat şəraitinin yaxşılaşdırılması üçün məşğulluq imkanlarının araşdırılması layihəsi
Torpaqların tərk edilməsi problemini həll etmək və torpaqların konsolidasiyası prosedurlarını yaxşılaşdırmaq üçün kənd təsərrüfatı torpaq bazarının inkişafının gücləndirilməsi
• Promotion Activities and Project Readiness for FAO-Azerbaijan Partnership Program
Support for Structural Reform and Strategic Development of Agrarian Services Agency
Improvement of certification, expertise and laboratory processes based on international practice
Strengthening regional cooperation and national capacity for management of wheat rust diseases and breeding for disease resistance in Central Asia and the Caucasus
Management of pesticide circulation and decontamination of persistent organic pollutants in Central Asian countries and Turkey
Improved water management: towards sustainable agricultural development
Support technical assistance project of the European Union to the Lankaran-Astara economic region of Azerbaijan
Enhancing Soil, Nutrient and Water Advanced Agricultural Practices (GAP) for cotton production in Azerbaijan using nuclear energy and other methods
Cooperation with financial institutions
World Bank
Asian Development Bank
International Atomic Energy Agency
Islamic Development Bank
International Fund for Agricultural Development
Japan International Cooperation Agency International donors
International donors
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
European Union
Korea International Cooperation Agency Global Environment Facility
Global Environment Facility
Turkic Cooperation and Coordination Agency
United Nations Development Programme
United States Agency for International Development
New project proposals
The Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Decrees and Orders of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Decisions and Orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Legal acts of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Azerbaijan
“Ərzaqlıq buğda istehsalı ilə bağlı öhdəlik götürərək Azərbaycan Respublikasının Kənd Təsərrüfatı Nazirliyi ilə müqavilə bağlamış sahibkarlıq subyektlərinə müasir suvarma sistemlərinin alınması üçün kredit təşkilatlarının öz vəsaitləri hesabına veriləcək kreditlər üzrə dövlət zəmanətinin verilməsi Qaydası”nın təsdiq edilməsi haqqında
“Kənd təsərrüfatı istehsal vasitələrinin güzəştli şərtlərlə satışının, lizinqə verilməsinin və kreditləşməsinin maliyyələşdirilməsi” xidmətinə dair Reqlament
“Güzəştli kredit layihələrinin maliyyələşdirilməsi” xidmətinə dair Reqlament
Video gallery
Photo gallery
About us
Our directions of action
Rule of subsidizing production of agricultural products
Crop farming
Aqrar subsidiya şurası
Planting subsidy
Product subsidy
Seed subsidy
Frequently asked questions
Animal husbandry
Animal (calf)
Bee (2020-2022)
Cocoon subsidy
Frequently asked questions
Aqrokimyəvi analiz edən laboratoriyaların siyahısı
List of fertilizer pesticide suppliers
List of seed seedling suppliers
Credit and discount
Decree 413 and Rules
Regulation of Agrarian Credit and Development Agency
List of machinery to which privileges apply
Regulations of the competition commission
Financing the purchase of equipment
Required documents
List of authorized credit institutions
List of evaluation companies
Financing the purchase of breeding animals
Required documents
List of authorized credit institutions
List of evaluation companies
Preferential loans for agricultural projects Privileged loans
Low interest loans
Projects and international cooperation
Completed projects
Mərkəzi Asiya üzrə Subregional Ofis ölkələrində ərzaq israfı və tullantısının azaldılması
Improve pedigree content of big-horned breeding animals in Azerbaijan
Reducing food waste and waste in Subregional Office for Central Asia (SEC) countries
Agrarian Employment Enhancement Project – AMAL
Improving food security and livelihood opportunities in rural areas by increasing women's economic power
Investment Environment and Agrobusiness Competitiveness Project of Azerbaijan
Improve pedigree content of big-horned breeding animals in Azerbaijan
Comprehensive Rural Development Project
Rural financing framework: supporting credit operations of the Agrarian Credit and Development Agency (AKIA).
Agricultural Competitiveness Strengthening Project
Locust Disaster Risk Reduction in the Caucasus and Central Asia (CACA).
Acceleration of efficiency and sustainability in the field of hazelnut cultivation in Azerbaijan
Creation of a national system of disease-free potato seed production in Azerbaijan
Development of mutant cotton lines resistant to diseases, drought and salinity
Creation and implementation of the value chain for sustainable development of sheep farming and food production
Support for local and regional development in Ganja-Gazakh economic region
Strengthening information sharing and capacity building in agricultural research
Development of sustainable and inclusive local agriculture and food systems in the northwest of Azerbaijan
Strengthening agricultural advisory services
Conservation and sustainable use of globally important agro-biodiversity
Ongoing projects
Azərbaycanın kənd yerlərində kiçik və orta fermerlərin bazar rəqabət qabiliyyətinin artırılması məqsədilə kənd təsərrüfatı (istehsal və istehsal-istehlak) kooperativlərinin təşviqi layihəsi
Kənd yerlərində həyat şəraitinin yaxşılaşdırılması üçün məşğulluq imkanlarının araşdırılması layihəsi
Torpaqların tərk edilməsi problemini həll etmək və torpaqların konsolidasiyası prosedurlarını yaxşılaşdırmaq üçün kənd təsərrüfatı torpaq bazarının inkişafının gücləndirilməsi
• Promotion Activities and Project Readiness for FAO-Azerbaijan Partnership Program
Support for Structural Reform and Strategic Development of Agrarian Services Agency
Improvement of certification, expertise and laboratory processes based on international practice
Strengthening regional cooperation and national capacity for management of wheat rust diseases and breeding for disease resistance in Central Asia and the Caucasus
Management of pesticide circulation and decontamination of persistent organic pollutants in Central Asian countries and Turkey
Improved water management: towards sustainable agricultural development
Support technical assistance project of the European Union to the Lankaran-Astara economic region of Azerbaijan
Enhancing Soil, Nutrient and Water Advanced Agricultural Practices (GAP) for cotton production in Azerbaijan using nuclear energy and other methods
Cooperation with financial institutions
World Bank
Asian Development Bank
International Atomic Energy Agency
Islamic Development Bank
International Fund for Agricultural Development
Japan International Cooperation Agency International donors
International donors
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
European Union
Korea International Cooperation Agency Global Environment Facility
Global Environment Facility
Turkic Cooperation and Coordination Agency
United Nations Development Programme
United States Agency for International Development
New project proposals
The Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Land Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Land Lease".
LAW OF THE REPUBLIC OF AZERBAIJAN On administrative execution
Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On the rules of ethical behavior of civil servants".
Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On the rules of ethical behavior of civil servants".
Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Agrarian Insurance".
Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Agricultural Cooperation".
Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On the State Language in the Republic of Azerbaijan".
Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On the Rules of Conclusion, Execution and Cancellation of International Agreements of the Republic of Azerbaijan".
Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Investment Activity".
Decrees and Orders of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan
"Regulation on the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Azerbaijan"
"Regulation on the Agrarian Credit and Development Agency under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Azerbaijan"
"Regulation on subsidizing the production of agricultural products"
"Rule of using the funds of the Agrarian Credit and Development Agency under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Regulation on "Electronic agriculture" information system
Decree No. 1754 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated July 19, 2022 "On a number of measures to increase the level of self-sufficiency with food wheat"
Decisions and Orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan
"Agrarian Insurance Rules"
Legal acts of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Azerbaijan
"List of techniques to be applied in the agricultural field"
"Regulation on the Competition Commission for the use of funds of the Agrarian Credit and Development Agency under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Azerbaijan" and "Criteria for the selection of authorized credit institutions"
Decision No. 05Q dated December 30, 2019 of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On approval of service regulations for the organization of subsidies to producers of agricultural products"
“Ərzaqlıq buğda istehsalı ilə bağlı öhdəlik götürərək Azərbaycan Respublikasının Kənd Təsərrüfatı Nazirliyi ilə müqavilə bağlamış sahibkarlıq subyektlərinə müasir suvarma sistemlərinin alınması üçün kredit təşkilatlarının öz vəsaitləri hesabına veriləcək kreditlər üzrə dövlət zəmanətinin verilməsi Qaydası”nın təsdiq edilməsi haqqında
“Kənd təsərrüfatı istehsal vasitələrinin güzəştli şərtlərlə satışının, lizinqə verilməsinin və kreditləşməsinin maliyyələşdirilməsi” xidmətinə dair Reqlament
“Güzəştli kredit layihələrinin maliyyələşdirilməsi” xidmətinə dair Reqlament
Video gallery
Photo gallery
Azerbaijan has completed the implementation of another twinning project with the European Union
Today, a total of 12 million 195 thousand manats of subsidies were paid to 6424 farmers